Wednesday 25 February 2015

There are times when we go through tough situations or the ones around us do. At that very moment, we are likely to advise the other person that they shouldn't take people's talks seriously, not allow anyone hurt them, ignore the bullies and so on. But what I actually have realized is that giving an advise to a person in a mess is easy but being in their place with the horrid feelings they have is a tough situation to handle! Saying or advising is easy but actually doing it is tough. I or you might advise someone in a problem but only the person going through the pain knows it ain't easy buddy. =) Right ? 

During the days of my childhood, I used to wonder that why do things go wrong ? why don't we always exactly get we desire, also that why do things not go accordingly as we had planned. Well, the answer was figured out by myself and later on I noticed that most of the people around me were confused on the same thing. I told them what I was aware of and they understood the reason for things to go wrong at times. You see, everything happens for a reason. At first, you might think "oh everything written in my fate is horrible, I'm getting no where in life!". Allow me to tell you this, that GOD always has better plans for us, something way better than we think of. Things might go wrong for a moment but trust me buddy, the one up in the sky has something special stored for you. At times you might not be able to realize that why a specific incident has happened to you, but later on when you look back at your past you'll realize why it had happened in the first place. So remember nothing happens for no reason, there's a reason for everything existing in this world. So open up your eyes, thank god even in your failure because you know he has better plans for you =). Aren't I right ?

Tuesday 24 February 2015

No offense to people who love make-up its just an opinion, people have different opinions. As a little girl I used to be fascinated by the perfect looking skin of actors/actresses and so on ... while growing up I learnt a lot of things which I never knew about make-up and the editing of people's faces and bodies just to make them look flawless. I mean it's like all the flawless beauty I used to see was just fake and artificial .I do like make-up, must admit its an art. I rarely use it only on essential and huge occasions like marriages or birthdays and parties.But, using make-up on a daily basis actually takes away your natural beauty. Making you totally rely on make-up for looking better and not your original self. And I am well aware of the fact that people say makeup is just used to enhance our beauty. Like a beautifying process, well honestly as a kid I did believe in all that. Now as a teenage of age 17, my thoughts towards make-up has changed, I mean why to use make-up every single day of our lives and waste a huge amount of money when our natural beauty is enough for us to look beautiful rather than applying a tonne of make-up on our faces everyday. 

Sometimes besides the stress, the confusions and the problems I wonder that how lucky am I to have a peaceful life as such ( only if I knew how to utilize it to the max). How wonderful it is, and what all I could do and become =) ...
So basically soon within 2 months I have my board exams. And me on the other hand instead preparing for it, is stuck thinking about who the hell am I ? I feel like a total confused personality .. I used to be a girl who'd not care about what people said, who didn't take things too seriously, was fun to be around. But unfortunately, that changed. And here I am wondering around looking for answers. Lost many friends, don't even want to talk to anyone, most of the people around me are just there for using me. Nothing more or less. =(((((
Most of the times, I feel left out. Like I don't fit in with other people. Horrible feeling really, I tried so hard to not feel this way but yet its of no use. Since the past few years my life has totally changed from awesome to boring ... I underestimate myself a lot. I've created this blog hoping that I'd be able to reach out to more people and express my feelings, listen to theirs too. Find solutions, help out people who think and are going through what I am.